Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
New Self Portrait!
Friday, June 26, 2009

When I first got my Macbook, I was FASCINATED by the Photo Booth
application. I played on it for hours, as pathetic as that sounds.
Anyway, for another pastel study, I decided to draw myself
in four different ways on the same piece of paper.
Sort of an Andy Warhol-like piece.
My favorite is the black white and pink one, but I suspect
this is only because of my insane love for anything pink.
Thursday, June 25, 2009

This is probably my favorite painting of mine.
It was my second semester, and in my Color Theory class, we started
off painting in greyscale in order to practice values before actual color.
The still life was excellent. The skeleton holding the jewels was just so fun
to draw and paint. I think the fun I had really shows in the picture.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Two New Pictures!!!
Well, technically they aren't so new, since the Gwen Stefani was
started in high school and the picture of me was started around 10 months
ago, but I never got around to finishing either until today.
There is only one good thing about all of this rain, that all there
is to do is sit inside and draw.
Monday, June 22, 2009

These were two excercises from a book called
"Drawing on The Right Side of Your Brain"
The point of the book was to get you to be more creative by
letting go of the symbols we have memorized a children
and seeing an eye as a series of lines, angles, and tones rather
than the eye of childhood that we would use for mom, dad, and the dog.
The right brain is non verbal and irrational and very visual while the left brain is verbal and very rational and works best with words and numbers.
I drew both pictures upside down and then flipped them over and
these were the results.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Funny story behind this image.
I did this sketch in pencil along with the one
of the man in the boat with the parrot looking at
the island he was leaving for one of my projects,
using Robinson Crusoe's tale of a man who was stranded on an island
(ala Tom Hanks in "Castaway) as the subject matter.
I lost the images, drew them both again, lost them both again,
and ultimately had no sketches to hand
in for my final grade.
I did the painting though, so I happened to get a C in the class overall.
And they happened to be sitting in a folder in my basement with
all of my reference pictures (useless). Whateverrr.
Friday, June 19, 2009

These are both from high school and they are self portraits.
I dislike and like certain aspect of these pictures.
But I dislike and like certain aspects of myself.
So I suppose they work.
This summer, I will be doing more self portraits, just
to see how I've grown and developed since I left
those glass double doors at EMHS for the slightly heavier
ones of the D Building
of FIT.
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Originally, I sketched Edgar Allen Poe only so I could practice vectoring on
Incidentally, the vectoring came out like crap but I really
like the sketch.
I spilled coffee on his sleeve but I used Photoshop to take it out, you could probably
see that if you look up close though.
I suppose I could have pushed the eerie factor a wee bit.

This was my very first full sculpture.
Before this, we first did a relief, which is a sculpture that
is attached to a background. In my case, it was a
large ceramic block covered in clay. It was very hard for me to
grasp the concept of sculpture.
My Russian professor would tell us all.
So with much help from Professor Boris and a Starbucks cup to
save time, my final project of a full figured lady
didn't turn out half bad.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
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